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WFD Netherlands Tour 2018

WFD Netherlands

Slagwerkdag Zutphen

Cor Jansen

Cor Jansen

Cor Jansen concluded his World's Fastest Drummer Netherlands Tour in 2017 with the final competition on December 14, 2017. Sven Meppelink won the hands competition with 862 strokes in one minute and Niels Bolders took the feet competition with 1079 strokes in one minute both taking the champion status in their respective competitions. Out of the 852 competitiors in the Netherlands competition, Sven and Niels came out on top and currently hold the WFD Netherlands Champion status.

Jansen is still actively holding WFD Competitions in the Netherlands. The most recent competition was held on April 8th in Slagwerkdag Zutphen. In the youth fastest feet competition at that event, Raphael took 1st place followed by Stijn in 2nd place. Ralf took 1st place in the youth fastest feet competition with 2nd place going to Juul. In the adult competitions, fastest feet was awarded to Anita for 1027 strokes in one minute, and Rogier took 1st place in the hands competition.

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World's Fastest Drummer Netherlands
Slagwerkdag Zutphen April 8, 2018

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